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Minerallink is an innovative new platform connecting buyers and sellers saving time and money
FIND OUT MOREMinerallink is your link to a new world of spot minerals trading.
The lack of price transparency in critical minerals is a key barrier to investment.
The #1 obstacle buyers and sellers face when transacting outside offtake contracts is the lack of a centralised spot market — which is exactly what Minerallink is building.
Minerallink is streamlining the minerals sourcing and selling process through a single innovative platform.
The Minerallink digital platform connects buyers and sellers in the global minerals market in a secure, value-added, and smarter way — increasing visibility, transparency, collaboration, and best of all, by enhancing your bottom line.
FIND OUT MOREMinerallink aims to open and decentralise the market, returning sovereignty to global minerals supply chains.
The platform empowers mineral suppliers and buyers with instant, on-demand access to spot markets and auctioning of minerals around the world.
Minerallink unearths new opportunities, verifies buyers and producers, simplifies price negotiation and auctioning, centralises documentation, verifies mineral provenance with track and trace, and emphasises methods of carbon footprint reduction.
Minerallink also takes care of compliance. The platform streamlines customs requirements, regulatory compliance and reporting, and verifies the ESG credentials of suppliers and buyers to reduce time and costs spent on corporate regulatory administration.
It’s all engineered for maximum efficiency, adding value to your mineral supply strategy.
Learn in-depth about how Minerallink works here.
Minerallink is currently live for testing.
REQUEST A DEMONSTRATIONMineraliink brings order to the often chaotic spot market for minerals. Mineraliink streamlines the entire process from procurement, negotiation, and finalisation, adding value to producers, wholesalers, and buyers.
Fielding calls and emails from unknown sources is troublesome at the best of times. Minerallink uses best practice Know Your Customer/Know Your Buyer (KYC/KYB) to verify entities, enabling maximum safety and regulatory compliance.
Minerallink empowers suppliers and buyers of minerals to see product availability at a glance. Browse through our fixed price tables or use our innovative auction feature to discover even more value. Initiate secure transactions at the click or tap of a button.
Minerallink traders are able to demonstrate their commitments to ESG through our automated compliance tools. Make responsible buying or selling decisions that align with your company’s values and strategic stakeholder green emissions targets. Businesses unlock value by reducing administration time spent on regulatory compliance.
Minerallink enhances business confidence by confirming mineral provenance with blockchain technology. All parties across the supply chain can verify transactions against a decentralised secured ledger, ensuring maximum integrity for buyers and sellers.
In our quest to establish a seamless and comprehensive minerals trading platform, we seek to encourage collaboration and connection with global markets and industries. Minerallink is an open ecosystem that encourages knowledge sharing as well as promoting opportunities for growth.
The global minerals market is facing a time of uncertainty. Demand is high and rising, especially for firms in emerging markets. These companies are aiming to deploy new technologies, reliant on sourcing quality raw materials at scale and to high-pressure deadlines.
Leveraging strategic expertise and technological innovation, Minerallink aims to solve the most pervasive problems and bottlenecks in the global minerals marketplace. We believe there’s no better time to achieve this than right now.
Our beta program is now live. Register your interest for the latest updates.
REQUEST A DEMONSTRATIONThe Minerallink Team comprises industry experts and interested parties. Our team is engaging with the industry in dialogue and consultation to help create new opportunities and value across minerals trading, supporting Australia’s crucial minerals, metals, and energies commodities export sector, worth over $413 billion, contributing $64 billion in government revenue – an increase of $21 billion over 2021.
Minerallink was founded in 2021 and is based in Melbourne. As of 2023, The Minerallink platform is in first stage beta testing with select minerals industry participants, with a full launch coming in 2024.
Our team consists of passionate minerals industry professionals, award winning entrepreneurs, career technologists, and executives possessing expertise across technology, business development, business finance, supply chain management, and critical minerals trading.
Join dozens of Australian mineral buyers and suppliers already signed up to our pre-release program. Signing up guarantees your place in the pre-release program as well as giving you regular updates and insights into our exciting new developments.
Register your interestProvide your details to stay informed about the latest Minerallink developments and secure access to the pre-release.